Melbourne Eastside Dermatology is one of the forefront dermatology practices in Melbourne in offering Online Telehealth Dermatology;  We are also the first and dermatology practice in Australia to offer a contactless “window consultation” service, where face-to-face consultation can be done across the window of a consult room without the need to be physically present inside our practice building.

How can I organise an online Telehealth consultation?

The easiest way is to send us a WhatsApp message on 0434849392.  Alternatively, simply ring us on our practice phone number 98786813 on business hours, or go onto “Contact Us” section to leave your details in.  Our staff will contact you within 1 working day.

If you have a referral letter, you could send it to us on WhatsApp which we will store it securely.

Do I need a referral?

We are happy to see all patients with or without referrals (including overseas visitors without Medicare), anywhere from Australia.

However, for you to be eligible for Medicare rebate, we will recommend that you obtain a referral from your general practitioner.  (See cost section below).  If you do not have a current referral, the best way is to contact your usual GP practice, as majority of the GP practices are now able to offer a Telehealth video/phone consultation for you and provide you with a referral this way, which you can send to us electronically.

What are the fees for consultation?

The fees will be same as per our usual specialist face-to-face consultation.

For new consultation, your out-of-pocket cost is $216.95 (We will charge a fee of $295; When we receive your valid referral, you will receive rebate of $78.05 into your bank account through Medicare or directly through us.)

If you have a disability or aged pension card, your out-of-pocket cost is $166.95(We will charge a fee of $245; When we receive your valid referral, you will receive rebate of $78.05 into your bank account through Medicare or directly through us.)

If you reside in the countryside, you can receive a higher amount of rebate fee from Medicare.

If you have DVA gold card, your consultation is fully covered without any out of pocket cost.

The subsequent review consultation, the cost will be lower (out-of-pocket of $170.75 for full fee, and out-of-pocket of $125.75 for disabled/aged pensioners).

Do you bulk bill Telehealth consultation?

Generally no.  However, doctors may choose to bulkbill patients on a case-by-case basis.

Patients with DVA Gold Card (and certain White Card) holders will be bulkbilled fully.

Which software do I require for video-consultation?

We are happy to use any type of available video-call technology including:

  • WhatsApp
  • FaceTime

We are in the process of setting up a secure video consultation setup that does not require any software (i.e. any smartphone would be sufficient).  Our staff will discuss with you when this is available.

What kind of conditions are suitable for Telehealth consultation?

When you make a booking and send in your referral letter, our dermatologist will check your referral letter to ensure that your condition is suitable.

Broadly but not strictly, the following conditions are suitable for Telehealth consultation:

  1. Acne
  2. Rosacea
  3. Nail conditions
  4. Extensive rashes with known diagnosis (e.g. eczema, psoriasis)
  5. Any types of localised rashes
  6. Hair loss (however, it is likely we will invite you to come into see us)

We would recommend the following conditions be seen face-to-face:

  1. Mole examination / Melanoma assessment / Skin lesions suspicious of skin cancers. (It is possible you can send through a photo for us to triage your case, however, please be very careful if any practice offers you to diagnose your skin cancer via photographs or video calls; we just do not think this is a safe way to examine).
  2. Genital rash.
  3. Oral ulcers.
  4. Extensive rashes all across body , without a known diagnosis.
  5. Severe hair loss or hair loss with discrete bald patches.
  6. Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

What if we 'get nowhere' during consultation?

If the limitation of the photographs/video technology does not allow confident diagnosis of your condition, your dermatologist will offer you to come into our practice to be examined face-to-face.  Please be reassured that you will not be charged twice if that is the case.

We have secure way of contactless consultation (see “window consultation”) to see you across the window, without you needing to be physically present in the building, if necessary.

If your condition requires a biopsy, injection or a procedure, your dermatologist will offer you to come into our practice building to have these done.  The fees will be discussed for any procedures as per usual.  Please be reassured we have maximum cleaning and social-distancing measures to ensure of your safety from COVID-19 if you are present in our building.

I want to send some high resolution photos of my condition - how shall I do it?

This is an important question because many of the video calls do not provide high resolution images, so photographs are still the best.

Your photos can be sent to us via WhatsApp.  As emails are non-encrypted,  if you choose to send your photos to us, please do so on the understanding of possible privacy breach.

Please take a photo from far to locate the rash/spot first, then take some clear in-focus photo of the rashes.  Natural outdoor lighting suits best.  Please see the example below:

Hannah back close

Hannah back far