Vanathy Varathan 医生于 2002 年以优异的成绩获得了斯里兰卡贾夫纳大学的内科医学学士。她在皮肤科领域拥有超过 17 年的经验,并在海外和澳大利亚接受过广泛的培训。 2010 年,Varathan 医生从科伦坡大学医学研究生院获得了皮肤病学博士学位。自 2012 年以来,她已获得斯里兰卡皮肤科医生学院的董事会认证。

移居澳大利亚后,Varathan 医生于 2011 5 月至 2012 4 月加入圣文森特医院担任皮肤科研究员。她在澳大利亚接受了进一步的皮肤科研究生培训。与此同时,Varathan 医生获得了 RACGP 的全科医生资格。

Varathan 医生已成功通过澳大利亚皮肤科医生学院的评估,并于 2022 年获得该学院的 FACD

Varathan 医生对皮肤科有着广泛的兴趣,对皮肤科充满热情,为儿科和成人患者提供咨询。她有能力诊断和执行大多数皮肤癌手术、治疗牛皮癣、湿疹、痤疮、白癜风、头发疾病、进行 PRP 注射、自身免疫性皮肤病病症、感染、色素性疾病、妊娠相关皮肤病和免疫大疱性皮肤病。



MEDerm as a service provider for Dr Vanathy Varathan

Melbourne Eastside Dermatology (MEDerm) takes pride in providing a high quality dermatology support services and facility for Dr Vanathy Varathan.

When booking to see Dr Varathan, please understand the following:

  1. Dr Varathan practise individually independent of other dermatologists.
  2. MEDerm is responsible for the booking, paperwork, billing and providing facility for Dr Vanathan.  MEDerm is not responsible for the medical practices or treatment plans instituted by Dr Vanathan.
  3. Dr Vanathan’s relationship with MEDerm is one of contractor and service provider.  Dr Vanathan is not an employee of MEDerm.
  4. Dr Vanathan may practise in another facility/location outside MEDerm.  It is your right to obtain your clinical notes, and discuss with Dr Vanathan the best location to organise your consultation or treatment.