Dr Gwyneth Natalie Wong also known as Dr Natalie Wong。王医生可以说广东话。

MBBS (Hons), BMedSci (Hons), Dip Surg Anat, FACD

医生Natalie Wong是澳大利亚皮肤科医生学院的院士。

Wong医生以一等荣誉的成绩在莫纳什大学获得了医学学士和外科学士学位 (MBBS),并获得了临床皮肤病学特伦斯·康纳斯奖和全额奖学金。她还以一等荣誉完成了生物医学科学 (BMedSci) 学位从事表皮再生研究。

在开始接受专业皮肤科医生培训之前,Wong医生曾在圣文森特医院 (St Vincent’s Hospital) 担任外科住院医师。她获得了墨尔本大学外科解剖学研究生文凭,并因为是在整形外科领域得分最高的候选人而获得卓越证书。随后,她在皮肤健康研究所 (Skin Health Institute) 担任副研究员,参与了二十多项牛皮癣、湿疹、白癜风和斑秃的临床试验。她在国内和国际上发表并展示了她的研究成果。

Wong医生在维多利亚州的领先医院完成了 4 年的皮肤科培训,包括皇家墨尔本医院 (Royal Melbourne Hospital)、西部医院 (Western Health Hospital)、奥斯汀医院 (Austin Hospital)、阿尔弗雷德医院 (Alfred Hospital)、皇家儿童医院 (Royal Children’s Hospital)、彼得麦卡勒姆癌症中心 (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre) 和皮肤健康研究所。



MEDerm as a service provider for Dr Natalie Wong

Melbourne Eastside Dermatology (MEDerm) takes pride in providing a high quality dermatology support services and facility for Dr Natalie Wong.

When booking to see Dr Wong, please understand the following:

  1. Dr Wong practise individually independent of other dermatologists.
  2. MEDerm is responsible for the booking, paperwork, billing and providing facility for Dr Wong.  MEDerm is not responsible for the medical practices or treatment plans instituted by Dr Wong.
  3. Dr Wong’s relationship with MEDerm is one of contractor and service provider.  Dr Wong is not an employee of MEDerm.
  4. Dr Wong may practise in another facility/location outside MEDerm.  It is your right to obtain your clinical notes, and discuss with Dr Wong the best location to organise your consultation or treatment.